Saturday, March 26, 2011


Home. Home page. Homegirl. Home free. Homie. Homing. Homeslice. It is so familiar, we use it for many words / meanings. It is a familiar word. From home you can go anywhere, do anything, return in any shape, sleep, get up and go do it all over again. With your homegirls, you can get in as much trouble, have as much fun, and always make it home to tell the story and if you don't, hopefully, they will be sitting right next to you in the cell.

My home is Austin, Texas.

My family, my friends, we have all grown up. Some of us have kids who are in college. Some have youngens. Some have none. The economic crisis has pushed us all to the winds. We are not together as much as we used to be. Life after 40, means more rest, more doctors visits (damnit), three sets of glasses (damnit), and not a whole bunch of time to sift through tons and tons of information when trying to figure out what it is that we want to do on Saturday night. I do it anyway. Why? I want to know. I want to know who is playing, where to park, what to where, and I want to plan in advance? Why? I have no idea, it is just how I roll.

In these pages, you will find content to all things Austin, in all corners of Austin, pertaining to music, art, and life.
I really hope you enjoy it.